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OVERVIEW: Marriage and Family State Interest Principles!

Gays ask: Why can't I love anyone I wish to love? What State Interest is there?

As long as it doesn't harm the Survival of the Human Species, specifically not

undermining the survival, the flourishing of the most basic, atomic, unit of the

Human Species, namely, the Family Tree, the State doesn't care who you love!


The Question:

Gays demand: "It's all about who you love!"

"Why can't I just love who I want to love?"

"Why does the State care who I love?"

The Answer:

The State doesn't care who you love, unless

1. It is one of the "Terrible Too's" you wish to love,

i.e., it is CRIMINAL or HARMFUL to the health and well-being of persons

immediately involved or to the Society as a whole or

2. It, the person you love, interferes with the REAL STATE INTEREST, i.e.,

**Who beautifully brings on, creates & raises the next generation of children,

preferably in the most natural, balanced and effective biological family tree way,

namely male and female, direct mother and father of the children inheriting both

sides of the child's family tree for the optimal preservation and support of the living

generations, naturally knitting together dozens of relations of biologically related

persons into a harmoniously formed Society, an anthropological human quilt, the


**for the Survival of the Human Species via the Survival of this Family Tree,

specifically and practically for its protection and flourishing, fulfilling the following

State overseen Interests:

Namely, the National Defense, the Maintenance of the Infrastructure (the roads,

water, sewage, electricity, other energy, i.e., gas), family's food, clothing and

shelter, the education of the next generation and the care for the elderly for the

Family Trees within the Nation State!


Given that the State is the natural extension of the family, the most

fundamental biological unit of humanity, the duty of the State is to

both the survival and flourishing of the family unit for
the very survival of the

human species.


**Who brings on, creates & raises the next generation of children:

**for the National Defense, Maintenance of the Infrastructure

(the roads, water, sewage, electricity, other energy, i.e., gas)

**to supply the family's food, shelter and clothing,

**to educate the next generation and

**to care for the elderly!